Identity Security

without compare

and without compromise

Protect yourself and your constituents from identity exploitation.

Reduce Exposure

Eliminate treasure troves of PII that hackers love to search for…and find.  FedIDs delivers remote identity credential verification for real-world transactions without the need to store PII.

Secure Your Agency

Eliminate the #1 threat to your digital assets…passwords.  FedIDs delivers quick, easy, secure multi-factor authentication through open identity federation standards that modern systems already support.

Instantly Connect

Through FedIDs unique virtual identity credentials, you have immediate access to all your constituents to instantly deliver secure messages to one or millions…and quickly visualize telemetry from their responses.


Replace passwords with simple, secure, multi-factor authentication for every employee, vendor, citizen and resident in your agency.


Credential Your Users

Credential your users in a way that works for you.  FedIDs supports several different ways to securely issue virtual identity credentials to your users.

  • Verified email address
  • Text message
  • In person
  • PIV/CAC self-service

Plus, FedIDs supports bulk identity credential issuance through direct API integration and Secure FTP file transfer.

Configure Federation

Modern systems already support open identity federation standards like Open Authentication (OAuth) 2.0, OpenID Connect (oidc), Securty Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and others. Your systems already support FedIDs…it’s just a matter of configuring your system to talk to FedIDs.

Securely Authenticate

When users access your systems that are secured by FedIDs, their identity is cryptographically verified through their credential on their device.

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